NEW ZEALAND - An on-farm exercise run by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) shows that New Zealand is well prepared to manage the biosecurity aspects of a foot and mouth disease (FMD) outbreak, the ministry has Acting Director Investigations, Diagnostic Centres and Response (IDC&R) John Sanson says the 1-day exercise at a dairy farm in Te Rapa in the Waikato is part of a suite of work underway to make sure the country is well prepared to deal with the scenario began with an incident controller arriving at the farm and taking over from a surveillance veterinarian on site. About 30 people (including observers) took part in the exercise. No animals were involved in the exercise.
据新西兰外交部称,新西兰基础产业部门举办的农业实操演习证明了,新西兰已经在管理口蹄疫(FMD)疫情的生物安全性方面做好充沛准备。基础产业部门(MPI)调查、诊断及应急中央代理司长John Sanson说:“怀卡托地区特帕(Te Rapa)的一家奶牛场展开了为期一天的实操演习,这是为了保证国家做好对付口蹄疫准备的一部分措施。”该演习剧本从一个灾场主管到达农场开始,紧继而农场被现场监督兽医接管。大约30人(包括观众)参加了此次演习。其中不涉及任何牲畜。